Representatives from Canada, Denmark, Finland, Germany, Korea, Norway, Sweden and the UK shared presentations on district energy industry trends, emerging policies, technologies and best practices driving district energy growth and innovation in their respective countries, such as Germany's 70/70 strategy and Danish Climate and Energy Policy. This panel featured practical, proven examples of district energy as an urban sustainability strategy from Copenhagen, Frankfurt, Helsinki, London, Stockholm and Seoul.
Invited reresentatives included:
- Canada: Ken Church, Team Leader - Communities, Natural Resources Canada
- Denmark: Lars Gullev, Managing Director, VEKS
- Finland: Antti Kohopaa, Adviser, Finnish Energy Industries
- Germany: Heiko Huther, Head of R&D, AGFW
- Korea: Bongkyun Seo, Finance Director, Korea District Heating Corporation
- Norway: Heidi Juhler, Director, Norwegian District Heating Association
- Sweden: Ase Myringer, Research Area Director, Energiforsk
- United Kingdom: Robin Wiltshire, Technical Director, Building Research Establishment
- United States: Rob Thornton, President and CEO, IDEA