District Energy Space

District Energy Space is IDEA's annual publication featuring a detailed compilation of the number of buildings and their area in square feet that have been committed or recommitted to district energy service by IDEA member systems during the previous calendar year.

In conjunction with the publication of this industry-respected annual report, IDEA gives special recognition to the District Energy Systems contributing the highest growth in North America and Beyond North America with annual District Energy Space awards. 

District Energy Space, which has been an annual tradition for IDEA since 1990, is the result of voluntary reporting by its member system operators who share information about both buildings newly committed and those that have extended a contract with a duration of 10 years or more. 

A Tradition of Showcasing Industry Growth

The report also details building names, types of use (i.e. commercial office space, hotel, etc.), location, services (heating, cooling, hot water) and square footage served.  The report also provides summary insights on industry growth in North America and Beyond North America.

A Tradition of Showcasing Industry Growth

In conjunction with the publication of this industry-respected annual report, IDEA gives special recognition to the District Energy Systems contributing the highest growth in North America and Beyond North America with annual District Energy Space awards.

These awards will be presented at IDEA2025, IDEA’s 116th Annual Conference and Trade Show, from June 2nd to 5th in Minneapolis, MN. 

Submit your 2024 building and square footage data so that we can build on our momentum, and show the world the importance of district energy.

The deadline to submit your data is Friday, April 11, 2025. Please send completed forms to Sarah Crawford-Theurkauf.


Submit Your Data for District Energy Space 2024

With your help, we can show the world how invaluable district energy systems are.

Submit your 2024 building and square footage data so that we can build on our momentum, and show the world the importance of district energy. IDEA will award Gold, Silver and Bronze awards in the Most Buildings Added and Most Square Footage Added categories for North America and Beyond North America.

The deadline to submit your data is Friday, April 11, 2025. Please send completed forms to Sarah Crawford-Theurkauf at sarah.idea@districtenergy.org. You must be a member in good standing to qualify for awards. Stand up and be counted!

North America Submission Form

Beyond North America Submission Form

Submission Certification Form

Submission Instructions

District Energy Space 2023 Report

The International District Energy Association (IDEA) is pleased to release District Energy Space 2023.

This year’s results, which showed a nearly 5% increase in the buildings committed, builds upon a more than decade-long trend of increasing adoption of district energy to reliably and efficiently deliver heating and cooling to buildings both here in the U.S. and around the globe.

Read the Report

Meet the Winners

We have revealed the 2023 District Energy Space Gold, Silver and Bronze winners for Most Total Buildings Added and Most Square Footage added in North America and Beyond North America categories - find out who won by clicking the link below.

2023 District Energy Space Winners

Growth Through the Years

Questions? Just Ask!

Sarah Crawford-Theurkauf
Policy & Research Associate

+1 (508) 366-9339